Sorting Algorithms Studies: Selection Sort

After some hiatus, let’s continue with the Sorting Algorithms Studies series. Let’s talk about Selection Sort.

This algorithm showcases a very natural way to order things, one that you probably already used yourself: repeatedly finding the lowest value, and putting it at the start of the list.


This algorithm works by, starting at the first element of the list, repeatedly comparing the current value with the next value, searching for the lowest value - or the highest, if the order is decrescent -, until the end of the elements of the current iteration. When the inner loop ends, the value that was identified as being the lowest - or the highest, if the order is decrescent -, is placed at the start of the list. Having provided the clarifications, from now on this article will focus on the crescent order implementation. After the end of the last inner loop, the algorithm starts a new inner loop, excluding the value that was just swapped, and repeats the same procedure above.


It is comprised by two nested loops:

  • The outer one loops amongst the numbers that comprise the range between 0 and the size of the array, minus 1. Example: if the array has size 5, the outer loop will loop from 0 to 4. Let’s call the number of the outer loop x.
  • The inner loop is the one that actually makes the comparisons and swaps. It loops amongst the numbers that comprise the range between 0 plus the number of the outer loop (x) and the length of the array, minus 1. Example: if the array has size 5, the inner loop will loop from 0 to 4 on the first outer loop, 1 to 4 in the second outer loop, and so on. Let’s call the number of the inner loop y.
  • For each y in the inner loop, it compares the element on the index y with the element on the index y + 1, searching for the element with the lowest value, placing its index in an auxiliary value. Let’s call it swap_index.
  • At the end of the inner loop, it swaps the element on the index x with the element in the index swap_index.

Also, there is an Selection Sort implementation with a minor optimization. Instead of just looking for the lowest value at each loop, it also looks for the highest value, making two swaps per loop. And, as each loop progresses, the range of elements to be compared by the next loop diminishes by two.


This is the implementation of Selection Sort in Python. It may look slighter more complex than the usual Selection Sort implementation, but that’s because I’ll to provide codes that work both for the crescent and decrescent sorting.

def selection_sort(array, decrescent=False):
if len(array) <= 1:
return array
for x in range(len(array)):
swap_index = x
for y in range(x + 1, len(array)):
if ((decrescent and array[y] > array[swap_index]) or
(not decrescent and array[y] < array[swap_index])):
swap_index = y
array[x], array[swap_index] = array[swap_index], array[x]
return array

And this is the implementation of optimized Selection Sort in Python. Again, this codes works both for the crescent and decrescent sorting.

def selection_sort_optimized(array, decrescent=False):
if len(array) <= 1:
return array
for x in range(len(array)):
left_swap_index = x
right_swap_index = x
for y in range(x + 1, len(array) - x):
if ((decrescent and array[y] > array[left_swap_index]) or
(not decrescent and array[y] < array[left_swap_index])):
left_swap_index = y
if ((decrescent and array[y] < array[right_swap_index]) or
(not decrescent and array[y] > array[right_swap_index])):
right_swap_index = y
array[x], array[left_swap_index] = array[left_swap_index], array[x]
# If the right swap index wasn't changed from the initial value,
# change it for the left swap index, as the left swap will change
# the right swap target element position.
if right_swap_index == x:
right_swap_index = left_swap_index
array[len(array) - x - 1], array[right_swap_index] = array[
right_swap_index], array[len(array) - x - 1]
# If the last outer loop comparisons were made in a subarray that
# has a length of 1 or lower, no more outer loops are needed.
if len(range(x + 1, len(array) - x)) <= 1:
return array

Finally, here’s the interactive algorithm visualization, with step-by-step execution.


Worst-case performance: O(n²)

Best-case performance: O(n²)

Average performance: O(n²)

Space complexity 1: O(n)

Auxiliary space 2: O(1) for the normal implementation; O(2) for the optimized implementation. 3


As the posts from the Sorting Algorithms Studies are posted, I’ll benchmark the algorithms against each other. For now, there’s only Bubble Sort, Insertion Sort and Selection Sort to be shown.

Sorting 1000 different arrays with 1000 randomly sorted elements
Algorithm Average Time Spent (seconds)
Selection Sort Optimized - Crescent 0.0752946375
Selection Sort Optimized - Decrescent 0.0753254230
Insertion Sort Optimized - Decrescent 0.0754734700
Selection Sort - Decrescent 0.0768013875
Selection Sort - Crescent 0.0769227114
Insertion Sort Optimized - Crescent 0.0774509237
Insertion Sort - Decrescent 0.1340322953
Insertion Sort - Crescent 0.1360035590
Bubble Sort - Decrescent 0.1568078588
Bubble Sort - Crescent 0.1597317403
Bubble Sort Optimized - Decrescent 0.1602741867
Bubble Sort Optimized - Crescent 0.1618632810

Sorting 1000 different arrays with 1000 elements in ascending order
Algorithm Average Time Spent (seconds)
Bubble Sort Optimized - Crescent 0.0002221006
Insertion Sort - Crescent 0.0003292135
Insertion Sort Optimized - Crescent 0.0003776510
Selection Sort Optimized - Decrescent 0.0864848356
Selection Sort - Crescent 0.0876183987
Selection Sort - Decrescent 0.0900442983
Selection Sort Optimized - Crescent 0.0924761386
Bubble Sort - Crescent 0.0998125052
Insertion Sort Optimized - Decrescent 0.1702091216
Bubble Sort - Decrescent 0.2626039418
Bubble Sort Optimized - Decrescent 0.2685824222
Insertion Sort - Decrescent 0.3066988004

Sorting 1000 different arrays with 1000 elements in descending order
Algorithm Average Time Spent (seconds)
Bubble Sort Optimized - Decrescent 0.0001869991
Insertion Sort - Decrescent 0.0002643334
Insertion Sort Optimized - Decrescent 0.0004072941
Selection Sort - Decrescent 0.0790777007
Selection Sort Optimized - Crescent 0.0794137814
Selection Sort - Crescent 0.0829683988
Selection Sort Optimized - Decrescent 0.0836715313
Bubble Sort - Decrescent 0.0884681934
Insertion Sort Optimized - Crescent 0.1560818879
Bubble Sort - Crescent 0.2418319963
Bubble Sort Optimized - Crescent 0.2456611876
Insertion Sort - Crescent 0.2854158659

Wrapping Up

Selection Sort is another of those simple algorithm that we use more often than we realize. As the Bubble and Insertion Sort, it doesn’t performs well, but it may be enough for some scenarios, like when you have really small lists.

Stay tuned for the next chapters of this series!

  1. Auxiliary Space + Input space

  2. Extra or temporary space used by the algorithm during it's execution.

  3. Python's way of swapping two values dismisses the need of a temp variable to make the swap of values. Because of that, there normal implementation in Python uses O(1) auxiliary space. The optimized implementation still uses O(2) auxiliary space.