- 21 Rhetorical Devices Explained - This article gives names to some rethorical devices that we are used to use.
- 43 Embarrassing Grammar Mistakes Even Smart People Make - Interesting compendium of common English language mistakes.
- Chinese Characters Are Futuristic and the Alphabet Is Old News - Interesting text on how chinese characters are inputted on devices can give us a glimpse of how the world will type characters in the future.
- How Hash Algorithms Work - A very thorough walkthrough explaining how a hash algorithm works.
- It’s possible to build a Turing machine within Magic: The Gathering - Ars Technica’s article about an article that states that Magic: The Gathering is Turing Complete.
- I’ve been studying logos for decades. Here’s what changed this year - Great article showing 2019’s logo visual trends.
- Make Driving Dangerous Again - A fun text on why making driving dangerous would make our roads safer.
- NASA’s idea for making food from thin air just became a reality — it could feed billions - Nice article about “Solein”, a protein powder that is similar in form and taste to wheat flour and that can be extracted from thin air.
- The Purpose Of Life Is Not Happiness: It’s Usefulness - One of of the great Darius Foroux texts, this time talking about the importance of being useful.
- The Sheldon Conjecture - Interesting article about the “Sheldon prime”.
- The Sinkhole that saved the Internet - A very interesting Tech Crunch text about how buying a domain may have prevented a catastrophic WannaCry outbreak.
- The Torturous History of the Treadmill - Great article about the history of the treadmill.
- Track This Link - Very interesting Mozilla site that tries to tackle on the web tracking issue that we all have to live with daily.
- User Inyerface - An unnerving site that explores all the common user interaction and design pattern issues that are found on the web.
- Why We Forget Most of the Books We Read - Interesting text on why we forget what we read.