The fourth beer that I brewed.
This time, I tried brewing an American Pale Ale but, for the sake of isolating a hop, I used a single hop on this recipe: Citra.
Also, I used CervaSerra’s 30L equipment and CervaSerra’s cold room once again.
The fourth beer that I brewed.
This time, I tried brewing an American Pale Ale but, for the sake of isolating a hop, I used a single hop on this recipe: Citra.
Also, I used CervaSerra’s 30L equipment and CervaSerra’s cold room once again.
The third beer that I brewed.
This beer was brewed with a different setup, as I used CervaSerra’s 30L equipment.
I also used CervaSerra’s cold room and, from this time on, my beers have been fermented in a controlled temperature.
Second beer that I brewed.
Used the same equipment and setup that I used on the first beer that I brewed, which eventually made the second beer to have the same problems that the first one did.
Sensorially, despite the 53.7 IBUs, it lacked bitterness.
The first beer that I brewed.
Brewing is something that I wanted to do for quite some time, and by the time that I brewed this beer, I had already took a “How to Brew” course, so I wasn’t going completely blind to my first brew day.
Despite that, mistakes were made, some due to my inexperience and others due to the inexistence of some equipment.